European Sections

Starting in 2010, the University of Toulon began offering “European Sections,” similar to the ones offered in high schools. These courses grant students the opportunity to follow some of their coursework in English while providing them with an international perspective.

The European sections are offered on a voluntary basis to students who wish to improve their foreign language skills while giving their degree an international dimension.

During the course of their studies, students follow some modules in English (or another foreign language depending on the curriculum) and also benefit from traditional English courses. These classes may be offered for one or more semesters and the number of hours taught in the foreign language may vary from one degree to another. In certain cases, students may be entitled to an additional certification.

European Sections are offered at most Faculties and may be extended in the future.

Degrees offering European Sections (lien vers chacune des formations)

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Economics and Management

Institute of Business Administration (IAE)

Faculty of Languages and Humanities

The Ingémédia Faculty of Information and Communication

Institute of Technology

Students who wish to certify their language skills may take either the CLES or another internationally recognized English Certification exam offered at the university.

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